Friday, December 10, 2021

Cool Conversion Van Project With Good Ideas

This video offers some good ideas for camper van modifications.  After we got our van in March 2021, Spring through Summer temperatures were progressively (and normally) increasing.  The higher temperatures put a bit of a damper on modifications, beyond the basics of building the sleeping platform and installing some curtains and window "privacy shields".

When we traveled the northern Midwest in August, we stayed in motels ($$$) about half the time because of the summer heat, thus that needs to be avoided if we get to travel in the Southwest U.S. next April (as we hope).  To this end, w
e did order a portable AC unit (not a small "swamp cooler", which does not work well in humid settings).  (It did not arrive in time to be installed last summer.)

Unexpectedly, the AC unit weighs 50 - 60 lbs., so safely anchoring it to the floor (in case of an accident) has been on my mind, and perhaps when we get past the Winter holidays, that will be a major priority.  We also have to adapt intake and exhaust ductwork to existing windows.  (It might be easier to show you in a video than to describe what needs to be done.)

I also need to decide if I am going to rip out the carpeting from between the sleeping platform and the front seats, so as to "even out" the floor (where the original van seat bases were located are now annoying "dips" in the floor and I want to deal with those floor irregularities.  The idea is to replace the carpeting with some sort of paneling.  

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