Monday, March 16, 2020

One Would Think ...

... That self-quarantine during the Coronavirus outbreak would be a good time to blog and a good time for others to read blogs, to fight the "Coronavirus cabin fever".  True, but from my end, I am still getting used to the things that I "can't currently do".

[I am thankful for our household and that of close family members - thus far - being bypassed by the Coronavirus.]

Among those things I can't or shouldn't do include visiting my adult kids and grandkids, going to my adult Sunday School, having Mexican food (in a restaurant) at least once a week, regularly visiting beer stores in search of new Georgia craft beer cans, visiting new local breweries, sharing a craft beer (or two) with a nearby friend, visiting used book stores, substitute teaching, ...  I am still "wrapping my head around all of this", that it may be going on for weeks.  I am worried about the survival of some restaurants and newly-opened breweries, as well.

Theoretically, I could still go out and do "rockhounding" and nature photography, as that usually doesn't include personal contacts with other people and I may do that in a few weeks.  For the short-term, I need to remain at home while my wife recuperates from total knee-replacement surgery last week.

Add to that is the normal Spring allergy season and above-average late-Winter rainfall and the fatigue and disillusion that those events bring.  Any prayers and kind thoughts are appreciated.  

1 comment:

  1. My husband also laments the fact that he cannot get together and drink a few craft beers with friends. Enter technology: they are using Google Hangouts to host virtual happy hours. All you need to use hangouts is a gmail address and some sort of webcam (computer or phone will work). There are other platforms out there too... facetime and zoom, etc. Cheers and best wishes to you and yours!
